International multimodal transport services


In order to ensure that your cargo arrives at its destination perfectly, we may combine two or more shipping methods, take a look at the shipping services:Rail Transport Services, Air Freight Service, Shipping Service, Road Transport Service.

Rail Transport Services


Our main international railway transportation service consists of Block Train, Customized Train, Rail LCL groupage, Sea + Rail multimode, span Belt and Road, with 30+ International lines. Rail Transport Key Benefits:

Reliability and flexibility
Optimal Time Efficiency, with 12~15 days up to Europe
● Lowest comprehensive cost with concentrated transportation
● Door to door delivery solutions, most extensive reach to majority of Inland area.

Air Freight Service

Our company closely cooperates with the development strategy of airlines and strives to expand the regional international market. Relying on the agency network in more than 200 countries around the world, we can provide a full set of professional air transportation logistics services, including picking up, warehousing, booking, voucher preparation, customs declaration, assembly, stowage, delivery, etc; At the same time, we provide customers with a full range of air logistics services, such as export to pay, door-to-door services, import procurement logistics, e-commerce logistics, exhibits transportation, limited time transportation, dangerous goods transportation, etc.

Personalized Services
Professional Services
Diversified Services

Shipping Service


Our international ocean freight services include buyer consolidation box, less than container load and full container load. Subject to the trading terms, New Future International Trade completes the services at your convenience. Preponderant route covers Europe, Black sea, Baltic sea, Middle-east, Africa and Red sea. Value-added service included:

Complete FCL and LCL service
LCL container consolidation/deconsolidation, door to door service
Flexible inland haulage and warehousing service
Customs brokerage and inspection, cargo insurance
International trade activity – export and import deals, documentation processing 
(preparation of customs declaration), full support at customs procedure
Personalized, cost-efficient and best logistic solutions
Timely, quickly tracking service for whole cargo delivery

Road Transport Service


New Future International Trade offer our customers a full range of services for the international carriage of goods by road through China, Centra Asia, Europe. Our experience in the road transport market allows us to offer you excellent prices and delivery times. Our International RoadServices:

(FTL) Full Truck Loads; LTL Groupage
Delivery from Doorstep to Destination
Loading and unloading cargo
Organization of customs escort of the car
Coordination of the route and obtaining permits for the transportation
Transshipment of goods at customs terminals
Cargo insurance along the entire route
Monitor Trailers and the real-time status of goods for visibility

What do you want to ship?


Tell us your transportation needs, and we will specify the right solution for you.

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